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11 kickass ways to tell people to shut up.

Do you struggle to collect the right words or ways to tell people to shut up? Then, you are at the right place.

Just like you, others also hate when people uninvitedly say in the matters/standardise the ways of living/judge. Use these ways to tell people to shut up and recreate the peaceful place one last time.

Though, We all are surrounded by such humans. Ain't we? But, now it wouldn't be happening, cause you got my back. 

I've got some kickass ways which will definately, shut people right away.

11 kickass ways to tell people to shut up.

  1. Believe me, my life was better before, you entered in my space.
  2. Have you done masters in how to interfere in people's lives? Or have you adopted this skill in your lesiure time?
  3. You would be a millionaire if you start charging for shutting your mouth.
  4. If you were my kid trust me, I would've named you shutup trash, mind your own business!

  5. Hey! How about sipping your coffee in, I don't entertain judgements.
  6. If, I would get an option to shut a bin or you, I would definately, shut you up.
  7. Is there any switch off button for humans like you? Tell me if you know!
  8. My key to have mental peace is by minding my own fucking business. You should learn it too, just in case you need.
  9. It's hard to deal with you. Did someone tell you this?

  10. I so wish, my kids won't meet a human like you.

  11. Were you saying something? Sorry! I was lost in my fantasy.

    So ultimately, you have reached to the end and it was fun writing these ways to tell people to shut up.

    Tell me in the comments section, what are your ways to tell people to shut up?

    Millionthoughtsunderthestars wraps this short article.
    Will get back to you super soon with more such articles.
    If you want me to start a blog marathon then, mention it down below. Till then, just live the life you want and use these ways to tell people to shut up.

    Much love ❤


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