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Her Second Life

The Lady Burning Inside Out
She sees the real face behind the pretty face
She knows how it feels to see the real face
The Ones she thought won't leave her is now far away including Her tears leaving her place
She was drowning down when someone ABRUPTLY saved her and gave her second life
Second Life with some wounds and with some ugly facts
She feels something disgusting every time she steps out from her place
She knows how it feels to survive with scars 
No one notices her pain 
No one notices her sigh
She carries a smile to conceal her pain and Deep down she hopes to bury her scars too the way she hides her pain
Every Time Her Soul Quiver When She Imagines That Day 
That Black Day of her life which demolished her 
Living with the pain is killing her Every Time , Every Second , Every Day , Every Night 
The Pain which she suffers with Eyes Open And Closed
To Be Strong For Herself , For Her Soul


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