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Fallacious definitions

So, today we are going to throw light on another thought-provoking issue which no one thinks about that is ''Fallacious definitions'' which means wrong definitions and we will try to ponder from another side of a coin by changing the meaning which is set by our well-wisher ''Society'' 
For a couple of minutes let's change the vision and see things/people differently.
We all know that our world spins around our society which plays a dominant role in everyone's life because we have given the license to invisible people who speak slyly and no one knows why we give someone this much power to rule over our lives, why they apply/force their thoughts or protocols on us and why they are so much into our lives more than their, why didn't we stop them at first when they tried to rule us? We all know one thing that our society embodies by our own people and we all know them, meet them, lives with them and they are none other than our relatives, fake friends, office mates, the people who pass by our side and of course our neighbors. These kinds of people have no right to think on your behalf or rule your lives. Tell them straight away that this is how you work and deal with your life problems and most importantly how you feel and see life. Every individual has different ways of living and when it comes to survival tell them that there are no regulations for anyone, set an example and then see how you have changed your way of living because ignoring such nuts is not a solution.
Well, next you will read about how our society thinks plus how can we change the meaning and thoughts on the basis of some real reasons and not by someone else concepts.

So, according to our society, there are two sorts of people and they are:-
  1. The ones who are dark, fat, who don't have sharp features, who are short, extremely slim, or anyone who does not get up to their definition of beauty these kinds of people are added in the bucket list of ugly looking people.
  2. And then comes a bucket of beautiful looking people who are fair, tall, have sharp features, are slim and our society has an unending list and definitions.
And that's another major reason why people run after fair skin because society will only accept you when your complexion is fair but the satirical part is, we have accepted our society with such kinds of thoughts isn't it great?
Basically, our society sees physical appearance more than the inner beauty. We have never thought about it that how our society is changing not only the definitions of such words but it changes and shatters millions of people's lives every now and then.
  • Have you ever stepped into their shoes and experienced the thorn in their lives?
Once you do that, you will experience thousands of negative thoughts and millions of buried tears which now have rooted bitter soul, all thanks to our society slow claps. 
But million thoughts under the stars states that there is nothing like ugly looking people but there are average looking people whom I don't visualize ugly but I see them as a beautiful soul with an average looking body.
Disclaimer: By saying average looking I don't want to hit anyone's feelings. We all think differently. So, if you are offended by this word average and you consider it as a negative thing then that's how you have set an image of this word ''average'' which means you have framed a different meaning according to our society.
Being an author of this blog, I think you should feel lucky if you are or have an average looking person in your life because these kind of people are not going to break your heart and they are the real gem in your life just value them.

But coming back to the riddle, I really don't understand how an ugly person looks like?
I want to ask you, Who is ugly according to you the society who thinks like this or a person who carries an ugly soul?
On the foundation of my notion, if an individual is black then I don't believe, that human is ugly or if a person has sharp features or fair skin then that human is beautiful no, that's not how I think.
Note it, the beautiful people do not always have a beautiful soul.

Disclaimer:- I don't want to hit anyone by this article but I provoke your fallacious definitions

I don't understand why our Society has made a list or divided people according to their outer looks.
Every person is beautiful from inside-out. 
Speaking my mind, I see roots of a person that how an individual is from inside,  how deep that person's roots are, what the individual thinks about others, how beautiful his/her thoughts are, how gorgeous people's goals are, how they work or feel like for their families and friends or even towards a stranger.
You must be thinking then what is the definition of ugly in my point of view then the answer is I believe ugly are only those who have ugly thoughts about females, beggars, people from other casts/religions, transgenders, a person who serves food, driver, delivery man, sellers, sweepers, and who encourages/commits horrifying activities such as rape, criticism, bullying, domestic violence, hitting someone, carry ugly thoughts, making judgments, passing objectionable comments this is ugliness in real sense.

Let's just change the theory of beautiful looking people and ugly looking people and stop discrimination, stop disgracing them, defining them and dividing them. Let's show some humanity and see each other as a human being. Let's aim to change the mindset of people because the protocols our society have, we need to replace them for the sake of next generation because it's ruining lives and it is important to act maturely on such serious issues. 
MILLION  THOUGHTS UNDER THE STARS signing off for now till then think different, act sensibly and be the change.


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