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World Book Day 2021: Facts and 6 Reasons to read books.

Hi there! 

Welcome back, it's been a long since we last communicated through blogs. Your lady is back with an informative blog. Before you begin your adventure on this blog. I appreciate your presence here. 

Believe me, you will be getting nugget of information about World Book Day. 

So, tighten up your seat belts, Readers. We are ready! 

“Books are like mirrors; 

You only see in them 

what you already have inside you.”

I can't agree more with Carlos Ruis Zafon; a Spanish novelist who quoted it.

I am sure even you have nodded on his thought, right after you read it.

UNESCO declared World Book Day on 23rd April 1995. Since then, the event has been celebrating in over 100 countries. 

Have you wondered why do we celebrate World Book Day on a specific date only? 

Some of you already know the answer. But, there must be some people who haven't updated themselves for years. So, this one for YOU dear.😜 (JOKE! OKAY? Don't leave the blog halfway. Please! 😒)

On 23rd April several illustrious authors were either born or left us on this day.
The English playwright William Shakespeare, a Spanish novelist Miguel de Cervantes and Josep Pla, a Spanish journalist and a popular author died on April 23rd. Manuel Mejia Vallejo was a Colombian writer and journalist, and Maurice Druon, a French novelist, was born on April 23rd. 
Therefore, we celebrate World book day every year on 23rd April to give tribute to prominent authors and to encourage young minds to experience the delight books give us.  


6 Reasons why you should read books on World Book Day 2021: 

Fact Alert: In some countries, the no. of books read has multiplied since the pandemic began.

1. Reading books on World Book Day 2021 will help you to travel from one place to another without moving. 
Stay home because you can't travel with corona virus.  🙆 

2. Read books today to become an author tomorrow.

3. Oh God! I forgot! Get mental peace by reading 10 pages a day

4. Most importantly, books not only improve your thought process but also polish your writing skills. 

5. Read books to keep yourself safe from spreading/reading rumours online. Additionally, it will also reduce your screentime.

6. Reading books in 2021 will make you a leader one day. I'm sure you want to become one.  😉

I believe these reasons have convinced you enough to read books in 2021 and throughout your life. Right? Absolutely!

Suggestion: If you are struggling to choose which book to read.  I would recommend, pick a book that relates to your current problem. 


Quotes to live by in 2021:

  • ''It matters not what someone is born,
    but what they grow to be.'' 
    J.K. Rowling.

  • ''You have brains in your head.
    You have feet in your shoes.
    You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. 
    You’re on your own.
    And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who’ll decide where to go.'' 
    Dr. Seuss

  • “The worst enemy to creativity is Self-Doubt.”- Sylvia Plath

Readers, you have reached the end of the blog. Use this blog, share it with your readers and non-readers friends. Let me know in the comments section if, you were aware of these facts or not?

Moreover, if you need any help kindly reach out to me on my Instagram @navoditta_talks I will revert within a few hours. 

Before you leave,  I request you all to help people during the hard times or at least support them, and please don't boycott those who once had corona virus. 

Thank you! 

Stay safe & Take care!


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