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Summer Vacations 2021: Tips and 5 Ideas Parents should follow.

Dear Parents, 

This blog post refers to you. Summer vacations are here. Consequently, you don't have to wake up early or struggle with your little ones for their online classes. I know, how it feels. It's vexatious to manage with a toddler. Especially, in the first light.

After summer vacations get declare, some parents celebrate but others worry a lot.  I know endless questions tabs open in your head.

  • Should I send my kid to grandma's house?
  • How to make his/her vacation productive?
  • As the vacations have started, s/he'll be playing games the whole day and the list is infinite. 

Don't fret, I'm not here to give you butterflies. Your lady is here to take you out from the anxiety bubble. 

Shall we begin? 

Read the blog post and implement the tips and ideas to keep your kids engaged in summer vacations 2021. 


Here are 5 amazing ideas parents should follow in 2021. 

  1. Let your kids utilize online resources.
    In this tech-centric world, we are somewhere forgetting our kids. We are so occupied with social media that we have neglected them. Their development is more crucial. This is high time, wake up. I know it's a pandemic and you are most apparently bearing financial crises. Yet, you are forgetting we have access to almost everything for free. Understand it, English is a global language and one has to know how to speak and write. Help your kid to learn a new language in their comfort zone. 
    Ultimately, there are other innovative tasks to do online also. Empower them to explore that.

  2. During the summer vacations, upskill your kids and enroll them in online courses.
    Everything is shifted online so does learning. Those who know the value of education either have a startup for the same or they are supporting the new normal i.e 'Online Learning'. Several learning platforms are helping to upskill new brains. You can choose what best suits your kid.
    For instance; Udemy for kids, Kutuki app for Preschoolers, Vedantu which is suitable for Class 4 to 12 and NDA, JEE, NEET aspirants and Kidero for children from 5 to 12 years and Lead School@ Home for Preschool to class 12.

    NOTE: Enroll your kid or yourself for the "Creative Writing Workshop"' Reach out to me in my mailbox at OR on Instagram Navoditta_talks. Learn with me to enhance the writing skills. 

  3. Encourage your kids to read books.
    Laszlo's mantra was, ''A genius is not born, but is educated and trained.''  - Resource Atomic Habits.
    Remember, children usually adopt things when elders follow something religiously. So, you know what you have to do. Create a space in your home for books and read in front of your kids. As a result, you will see in some time they have successfully embraced the reading habit. Voila! Your kid is a reader now. Thank me later! 😉

  4. Mumma/Dadda, I embrace the moment when we play together. 🥰
    You know, kids appreciate it when you play with them. It automatically lights up their eyes. Create imperfect painting together or play educational games with your kids. For instance; Grammar poker game or Scrabble etc.
    You can also collect pebbles with your little one and make hilarious expressions with watercolors on them. Children love the activities which include colors. 

  5. The idea is to mastery parenting this summer vacation.
    As parents, we usually avoid what our kids say or complete their sentences before they could end. They speak slowly with fillers and that irks you as a parent. This year allow your kid to speak.
    Moreover, you need to learn how to hear your child with patience. If you practice this, you will notice tremendous growth in his/her personality. 

Practice these tips to become your kid's best friend, instantly. 

  • Communicate with your child.
    Some parents don't interact with their kids enough. All they do is command them or yell at them. Those are the parents that fail in parenting. Be a parent who knows what your child likes and dislikes in studies or other stuff. Know why your kid behaves the way s/he behaves. Try fun learning with them if they have a love-hate relationship with studies. Let your kids know, they have a best friend for life.

  • Appreciate your kid's curious head. 
    I have seen parents who don't like it when their children constantly ask questions in the middle of the advertisements or movies or if they witness something strange. Don't stop them because I'm sure you don't want to stop their growth. Instead, praise them for questioning, so that next time they don't hesitate to ask you anything. This is how they will receive half of the knowledge.

Bonus tip: Don’t simply say what you want your kid to do. Show them! They will follow your lead.

Furthermore, this world needs parents who are ready to unlock the levels of parenthood. 

To sum up, become the parent you will always feel proud of. This year upgrade your version. Children need parents who play together, acquire knowledge together and enjoy vacation mutually. Also, don't forget you have a powerful team. 
Let me know your suggestions and thoughts in the comments section. After all, it makes my day. 

See ya! 
Take care, Stay safe.
Celebrate your summer vacations at home.
Navoditta blogs sign off! 


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