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My Journaling Story

People get into journaling for various reasons, some for healing/creativity/dreams and others to pen down their feelings/routine/goals but sometimes to experiment/explore the world of creativity and this is what I did.
I was in the first year of my college in 2016 when I discovered about ''Journal Writing'' on youtube and my monkey mind was jumping from one thought to another and some questions popped up in my mind

  • What is journal writing?
  • What do people pen down?
  • Why are people so enthusiastic about journaling? 
  • How to make use of journal?
I went through scads of videos and after investing an uninterrupted night on Youtube, I researched more for couple of days and when I finally reached to the excitement mountain and got answers to my questions I straight away ordered my very first expensive journal from Amazon India which costed me approx Rs.550

If, your curious mind have raised any question such as "Has journaling changed anything in my life or Was I serious about it after I started the journal?''
Well, you will get the answers now, without even a second thought Yes, journaling has completely changed my life . I carry my pen like the queen carries her crown which is not only the world's best feeling but a pride thing too because the ability of a pen can change anyone's life and I proudly say, it changed me as an individual.
To be very honest, I was tremendously uncomfortable at the thought of putting my words/feelings/thoughts on a paper because anyone could read it but without stressing myself further I gave it a shot and at a snail's pace, I overcame my fear, crushed my stress, anger and I got rid of my gloom-ridden thoughts which haunt everyone at some point of time and keep us awake mainly at night. I would not deny the fact that I was a night bird but after I started journaling there was a drastic change in my life, I feel more vigorous now. Journal is something which not only heals/protects you but also gives you a quality of life.
In 2017, I started writing down my words in a poetic manner through which my emotions vent out. For me journal is a stress reliever. Journaling not only revamped my personal self but also detached me from negative opinions .
Now the question comes, how many journals I own and for what purpose I/people use them?
  1. Personal journal in which we take down our personal experiences which we deal with and most of the time we track our routine. This is a good way of keeping a check on our activities and we end up noticing that we are no more a procrastinator.
  2. Planner journal is something in which we record our month's events/meetings and mentions things to do/places to visit/new things to learn or start. This activity keeps us organized and makes us productive.
  3. Art journal in which we do sketching, calligraphy, doodling and painting. In this process, one relishes and appreciates the beauty of art plus colors. 
  4. Affirmation journal/ Gratitude journal  in which we jot down all the positive thoughts. For example instead of writing '' I will be happy'' we replace it with '' I am happy'' that means we make an aura of positivity which attracts all the positive vibes and transfers the energy towards us. 
  5. Letter journal is a collection of letters in which we address people such as teacher/best-friend/family/friends and-so-forth. We definitely don't deliver letters to them but we commit our feelings to paper. This process takes all our emotions down on paper and it makes us light as a feather. These letters stay with us, it's up to us if we want to keep it/burn it/tear it. This is the way of welcoming happiness and releasing our broods.
  6. Travel journal is something which we carry every time we step out from home and write down our random thoughts which spring to mind. It keeps us aware of our ideas. While we travel hundreds of racing thoughts strike to mind and out of them some are beneficial which can metamorphose our day/life. Travel journal lets you track your notions which you can pen down post-haste. 
  7. In Blog journal, we mention our ideas/ future contents.

  •    Attaching some of my art work down below.

In winding up, Would I recommend people to keep a journal?
I would love to recommend people to carry a journal for the next life too. Journaling keeps our soul/mind/thoughts stable. It is good for everyone's growth and we have a power to  take-care/build ourselves as a strong individual. I believe this is our moral responsibility to keep ourselves at first place every time. Journaling makes us a better Writer and a pen-paper cost nothing. Add your thoughts on a piece of paper and you will definitely achieve everything and anything in your life and this can only be possible if you desire to take a single action. Educate yourself. Don't just rely on your education system but learn something on your own on the basis of your interests/hobbies and this 1 commitment not only improves your personality but also keeps your eager soul/mind active.
Go and drench the paper with your thoughts/feelings. Journal is the best way to achieve your goals.
I hope you would start journaling right after this post or at least think about journaling for once because journal lets you have a relationship with your mind and soul.
I do believe people must build themselves physically/mentally/emotionally/spiritually on their own.

Share your views and let me know if you use journal or do anything phenomenal which has transformed your life in any way.
million thoughts under the stars signing off for now till then explore new things and pamper yourself by putting yourself on the top of the priority list.


  1. Journaling is a good habit but it should be positive. Never pen down with hurted incidents. It will be painful in future definitely. So keep only happy moments with you. Your thoughts are remarkable and appreciable too. Anyone can follow you without any doubt.


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