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A letter to you

Dear Average-looking people, 
With this letter, I would like to introduce myself to you as a new pen pal.
We live in a society of monsters who doubt us, criticise us, pass unwanted judgments, who question our character and have zero humanity.
I know that this society doesn't appreciate your innocence and they consider your decency as foolishness. Our society pats the back of cunning people.
I understand that you have gone through a lot of nasty comments and even today, you deal with it with a wide smile on your face in front of the world but deep down you question yourself.
I know you have been judged by your average-looking face/body and you are getting affected by the judgments you receive.
I know you have seen the true faces of society, who put judgments on the basis of your appearance, body-shapes, class, status, race, religion.
I know society doesn't respect anyone until they are powerful.
For the community, money is the key to everything which means money is the power which can turn any page overnight or within a nano second.
I totally understand and feel your pain but don't confuse my feelings with sympathy because it's empathy.
I understand discrimination, rejections, taunts, humiliation, and the way society treats you.
I know how society treats rich people and poor people, I have seen it.
I understand everything but let me tell you this, don't let this society affect the personality you carry and the originality you have.
I understand every bit of your pain and trust me, you have the prettiest mind, a beautiful soul with the bravest heart moreover, a talent which has the power to change the views. 
Talent doesn't see the outward form, religion, race or anything, all you need to do is polish your skills every single day. I appreciate that despite breaking your existence you still have unconditional love and respect for those who once knocked you down. I understand what you feel when society slag off your complexion, weight, looks, intelligence, grades, size, body-shapes and scars. I understand that you are struggling in this society, you are trying your hard to fit in with the judgmental heads and with merciless people with your pure heart and back in your mind, you are dealing with the suicidal thoughts or adjusting according to people but stop yourself right there because you cannot meet the demands of this society. You need to live for yourself, you have to understand the fact that people will roast you every time, on every path of your life, you cannot satisfy them ever. 
I want you to understand that your life is more important than all this crap and don't let anyone restrict you like a poodle. You have got only one life and don't waste it like this instead of depending on people, on their happiness do something effectual with your life. 
How long will you stay to meet someone else's demand?
Don't forget that you are living, sleeping, eating,travelling, reading, spending more time with yourself. So, don't you think, you should do justice to yourself by doing stuff which can grow you from inside out? Don't you think you need to do good with yourself first and everything else comes later? Don't you think you should give yourself a priority? 
You have to accept yourself the way you are and you should be happy with your average-looking face or with your pear-shaped body or with your dark skin because there are a lot of people standing with you and celebrating your companionship each day in their life, who don't judge you and furthermore, they see your inner self and they are the true human in true sense. So, just flaunt yourself the way you are and celebrate your friendships/relationships.
Believe me, you are the best version of yourself.
Cheers to yourself🍷
With Lots of Love and Hugs
-Your Fat Friend ❤


  1. Most encouraging lines dear.. most of the people are facing this , and they try to improve theirself according to others judgement.. but it is a very awesome message for all of them and for me too.. Thankuu soo much navodita..
    And yes you are NOT FAT.. but CUTE

  2. Speechless ������������❤️❤️❤️❤️��������������������������

  3. Your motivational thoughts❤️ well I hope people will understand these facts and start loving themselves


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