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रोड सेफ्टी

चलो आज सड़क की सुरक्षा  की  बात करते है   अरे! वोही  सड़क  जिस पर तुम अपने दोस्तों के साथ रेस लगाया करते हो  रेड लाइट को तोड़ने का थाना करते हो  ग्रीन लाइट का वेट तो तुम कर नहीं सकते तो ट्रैफिक रूल्स ब्रेक  तुम किया करते हो  याद आई वो सड़क? जिस पर ड्रिंक एंड ड्राइव यानि पीकर गाड़ी चलाना मना है लेकिन तुम्हे तो रूल ब्रेकर्स का ज़िमा उठाना है   यह वोही सड़क है जो तुम्हे अपनी ज़िदगी को जीने का सही सलीखा अपने रूल्स और सेफ्टी से सिखाया करती है  लेकिन तुम तो हर रूल तोड़ने के बाद दूसरो को दोषी दिखाया करते हो क्योकि यह तो तुम्हारे बाप की सड़क है सिर्फ यही गीत तो तुम गया करते हो  दूरभाष यंत्र यानि मोबाइल फ़ोन पर बात करते वक़्त गाड़ी चलाने का नया फितूर तुम पर सवार है, सेल्फी लेना वीडियो बनाना तो कभी कभी किकी चैलेंज को अपनाना और इसी तरह अपनी ज़िदगी गवाना शायद तुम्हारा नया अभियान है  जैसे दुम्रपान सेहत के लिए हानिकारक है यानि स्मोकिंग इस इंजूरियस टू हैल्थ ठीक उसी तरह नॉइज़ ...

My Journaling Story

People get into journaling for various reasons, some for healing/creativity/dreams and others to pen down their feelings/routine/goals but sometimes to experiment/explore the world of creativity and this is what I did. I was in the first year of my college in 2016 when I discovered about  ''Journal Writing'' on youtube and my monkey mind was jumping from one thought to another and some questions popped up in my mind What is journal writing? What do people pen down? Why are people so enthusiastic about journaling?  How to make use of journal? I went through scads of videos and after investing an  uninterrupted night on Youtube, I researched more for couple of days and when I finally reached to the  excitement  mountain and got answers to my questions I straight away ordered my very first expensive journal  from Amazon India  which costed me approx Rs.550 If, your curious mind have raised any question such as "Has journaling chang...


बचपन से उम्रभर साथ निभाती है माँ अपने आँचल में छुपाकर हर मुश्किल से बचाती है माँ बोलना व चलना सिखाती है माँ  इसीलिए  पहली गुरु कहलाती है माँ अच्छे स्कूल व शिक्षा दिलवाते हैं बाबा अपनी नसीहतों से हर आने वाली आंधी से बचाते हैं बाबा अपने गुस्से के पीछे का प्यार छुपाते हैं बाबा इसीलिए सबसे कठोर कहलाते हैं बाबा स्कूल में माँ की तरह ख़याल रखती हैं अध्यापिका मुझे हर अच्छे व बुरे दोस्त में फर्क करना सिखाती हैं अध्यापिका मेरी ग़लतियों को नज़रअंदाज़ न करके मुझे एक सही राह दिखाती हैं अध्यापिका इसीलिए सबसे अच्छी दोस्त और माँ का दूसरा रूप कहलाती है अध्यापिका कॉलेज में नई दुनिया, नए लोग, और नई आज़ादी से मैं कहीं भटक ना जाऊँ इसीलिए मुझे मेरे दायरें में रहना सिखाते हैं मेरे अध्यापक हर सही व ग़लत के बीच में अंतर करना सिखाते हैं मेरे अध्यापक इसीलिए बाबा का दूसरा रूप कहलाते हैं अध्यापक और मैं हर उस शख़्स की शुक्रगुज़ार हूँ जो मुझे कुछ नया सिखा जाते हैं हर रोज़ क्योंकि गुरु की भूमिका निभा जाते हैं वे लोग।। आप सभी को  अध्यापक दिवस की शुभकामनाएं।

Fallacious definitions

So, today we are going to throw light on another thought-provoking issue which no one thinks about that is ''Fallacious definitions''  which means wrong definitions and we will try to ponder from another side of a coin by changing the meaning which is set by our well-wisher ''Society''   For a couple of minutes let's change the vision and see things/people differently. We all know that our world spins around our society which plays a dominant role in everyone's life because we have given the license to invisible people who speak slyly and no one knows why we give someone this much power to rule over our lives, why they apply/force their thoughts or protocols on us and why they are so much into our lives more than their, why didn't we stop them at first when they tried to rule us? We all know one thing that our society embodies by our own people and we all know them, meet them, lives with them and they are none other than our re...

Invisible pen

Love is a peaceful feeling, it makes everything more beautiful and falling in love is not an unsatisfactory thing but depressing yourself because of an imperfect relationship is a major crime, a crime in the globe of love which destroys all your senses completely and situations get worst when one single word enters and that is ''Breakup'' which not only smashes a heart but shatters some dreams at the same time. So, this afternoon, I was busy with my work and I received a note from a woman, she demanded a blog post on '' Breakup Phase '' So, it was clear from her text messages that she was seeking help and wanted a solution to come out from that phase and it was not like she didn't try herself, she did but could not help herself, for all that don't worry here I am for each one of you who are somewhere dealing with this issue. ALARMING MATTER:- Past is something from which we can't come out straightforwardly and it becomes tougher whe...


 मैंने  ख़ुद को  बदलते देखा है   एक पौधे से पेड़ बनते देखा है   हर मौसम से ख़ुद को जूझते  देखा है   गिरने के बाद ख़ुद को संभलते  देखा है   अपनी कमज़ोरियों को अपनी ताकत बनते  देखा है  रोने के बाद ख़ुद को हंसते देखा है   हाँ, मैंने ख़ुद को बदलते और बढ़ते देखा है। 

Hashtag Goals

Hello, Hashtaggers  We the social media junkies trust the things we see. We trust those whoever wear happy faces. We basically name it '' Goals''  such as Couple Goals, Relationship Goals, Friendship Goals, Family Goals, and whatnot but do we understand that they are also human beings which means they have gone through alot in their lives, they are not the angels who got the things effortlessly, they struggled , they sacrificed, they cried, they know the value of things they have, they were ready for the sacrifices for the things they dreamt of which means they were mentally strong and they didn't quit, they know the real meaning of self-immolation and struggle and after years of  peaks and valleys they are standing and building their empire but no one sees the hard work they have put in whether we talk about relationship or raising a child or achieving something in job or in life behind everything there is blood, sweat, and tear and it is very saddening that it...

A letter to you

Dear  Average-looking people,  With this letter, I would like to introduce myself to you as a new pen pal. We live in a society of monsters who doubt us, criticise us, pass unwanted judgments, who question our character and have zero humanity. I know that this society doesn't appreciate your innocence and they consider your decency as foolishness. Our society pats the back of cunning people. I understand that you have gone through a lot of nasty comments and even today, you deal with it with a wide smile on your face in front of the world but deep down you question yourself. I know you have been judged by your average-looking face/body and you are getting affected by the judgments you receive. I know you have seen the true faces of society, who put judgments on the basis of your appearance, body-shapes, class, status, race, religion. I know society doesn't respect anyone until they are powerful. For the community, money is the key to everything which means mo...

Take me back

I want to go back to the time when people used to hold handwritten letters instead of cell phones, I want to go back to the time when everything was non-fictional, I want to go back to the time when love was bona fide, I want to go back to the time when the gathering was real when we were not supposed to plan a meeting a month earlier and later get hit by the disappointment of cancellation of the plan, I want to bring that time when everything was actual when the doorbell rang instead of WhatsApp  I want to go back to the time when we lingered for the letters, I want to go back to the time when cell phones were basic, I want to switch my life to 90's when we were growing up with the families and not with the cell phone's battery,  I want to go back to the time when happiness was not dependent on cellphone's battery but seeing a friend's presence in the assembly I want to go back to the time when conversations were authentic when we were mor...

कुछ रिश्ता था

कुछ रिश्ता था उसके मेरे दरम्यान  कुछ ख़ास थी वो  मेरे दिल के काफ़ी क़रीब थी वो  कुछ हालात बदले और कुछ वो ख़ुद  उसका हर बात पर झूठ बोलना मुझे गवारा न था  और उसका हर बात पर मुझसे सच बोलना उसे गवारा न था  कई शाम गईं  कई सुबह आईं  कई बरसातें आईं  कई तूफ़ान आए  और उस तूफ़ान में बादलों-सी कुछ उड़ चली वो  कुछ वो बदली  कुछ मैं बदली  और न जाने कब यह रिश्ता भी बदला  कुछ दिमाग़ में है वो  कहीं पेन्डिंग फ्रेंड रिक्वेस्ट में है वो  भले ही कभी पढ़ाई में टॉप न किया हो उसने लेकिन अब मेरी सर्च लिस्ट में टॉप पर है वो  बस अब कुछ अंजान-सी है वो  मगर भीड़  में कुछ जानी-पहचानी सी है वो कुछ पुरानी यादों में ज़िंदा -सी है वो लेकिन अब पराई-सी है वो कुछ अपनी ही कहानियों में उलझी है वो  हाँ, अब कुछ अंजान-सी है वो लेकिन अब सिर्फ़ मेरी कहानियों में ज़िंदा है वो और बस दिल के किसी कोने में दफ़न-सी है वो

Hush!!! It's her that week of the month.

You got your periods! These not so magical words changed her life and taught her something which we all need to talk about. RIGHT NOW! Do you know how?  Then you need to continue reading this article till the end which will tell you an untold story of her life. So,  when she was in 5th or 6th standard she got her first-period and like every other girl she was unknown of that so-called word "PERIODS". So,  it was the time of ''Summer vacations'' where everyone was chilling and enjoying their vacations and on another side, she learnt something. Something about periods? No, something about the mentality of humankind. Like every other day, she was taking shower and something abnormal happened with her. She literally yelled, "Mummy, I'm bleeding'' and she was about to cry by looking at that blood which was going down between her legs". She was a little girl so, she had no idea why the heck she was bleeding and then her elder s...

Rape Culture

We the people of India take action only when it's too late.We take action when the culprit has brutally perpetrated a crime. What do you think we all are?   Well, I tell you that, we are a bunch of idiots who leave the culprit free, who don't even try to stop it at the first place, we are the ones who wait for the next crime. Rather killing that criminal on the spot we wait for the government to take some actions which  are   not going to serve justice to the victim. So let me get straight to the notion I was ignoring all those News about  rape and murder   case of Asifa 8 years old girl child, of Jammu and Kashmir, you must be wondering why was I neglecting it? Well, it boils my blood every time when no action takes place in such sensitive cases but I'm writing it because one of my college mate asked me for it. I feel bad about all of us who protest, who talk about laws and orders, do can...